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The CSU has a new policy on freedom of expression. Learn more.


Volunteer Fridays

CCAT is always busy building new projects and maintaining existing ones. 


Like to garden?  Do groundskeeping?  Paint signs?  

Work on Appropriate Tech projects?  

Then CCAT is the place for you.


Join us on Volunteer Fridays from 10am – 4pm every school week!


Other Volunteer Opportunities

Want to help out but can’t come on a regular basis?  Or, maybe you have a special skill that we should know about?  Let us know!



Student Assistants

CCAT receives Associated Student funding to provide a student led staff that is hired/rehired near the end of each semester for the following semester.

3 students are given the opportunity to live on-site in the Buck House and manage the employees and program for a 1-year term!

To apply, simply email your resume & a cover letter, and let us know the position you are interested in!

You may also apply via Handshake by searching "CCAT" when positions are available.

Student Assistants:
Project Manager, Maintenance, 2 Organic Gardeners, Office Coordinator, Outreach Coordinator, and Event & Volunteer Coordinator


Instructional Student Assistants:
4 ENST 123 Course Facilitators; Organic Gardening, Urban Homesteading, Green Building, and Herbalism. (We welcome course topic proposals that align with CCAT's mission!)


Co-Director Intern, Project Manager Inter, and Publicist Intern


Learning Opportunites

Click here to find our Appropedia Page. This website has lists of all projects that are currently underway at CCAT and that have been completed in the past. Appropedia is a place for you to find all the information that CCAT has collected over the years on projects includeing directions, diagrams, and notes. Our hope is that you and the community can use this information to duplicate the appropriate projects in your own space.



CCAT offers classes in sustainability every semester. These classes include Organic Gardening, Herbalism, Green Building and Urbam Homesteading. Click HERE or on the classes tab to find out more.



Employees and community members lead-free workshops on appropriate technology and community building throughout the semester ranging from solar lighting to herbal remedies.

Workshops are announced when on a monthly basis as they become available.  Please check our front page from time to time for more details!  Or, sign up for our email list to be notified directly.

ccat flyer

Project Proposals

Looking for a venue to experiment? To build? The Campus Center for Appropriate Technology was created to offer students and community members a hub for experimenting with, practicing and demonstrating Appropriate Technology (see “What is Appropriate Technology” on Home page). 

Anyone can submit a Project Proposal to make use of CCAT’s space. 


You will also need to submit a project timeline and budget. Below are examples:



Finally, if your project is approved, you will need to sign a Working Agreement with CCAT. 



Event Proposals

Looking for a venue to make something happen? We welcome university and community events to be held at CCAT for free! We offer a unique sustainability-centered landscape with the feel of a modern homestead, including an outdoor lawn, an indoor classroom and much more. 

Some examples of events are workshops, concerts, and clothing swaps.

For more information, and to apply to use our space, click below:




If interested in making a donation you can follow this link to be taken to the club donation page. Under designation select the CCAT Program.